Chase Collum | Photography

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RP = Really Pleased

today is a momentous day, in that i’ve cleared my entire photography backlog. prior to the last couple of months, that wouldn’t have been a huge accomplishment, because i was only editing in lightroom, but since i’ve stepped up my game and dedicated myself to a higher level of quality through a more refined photoshop editing process, my workflow has bogged down drastically. i talked through some of this in a post a couple of days ago, so i won’t dive into it again, but essentially i am able to fully edit between three and six photos per hour in photoshop, as opposed to hundreds per hour in lightroom.

so today i celebrate the achievement, and i honor it. part of that celebration involves making a purchase that i’ve been contemplating for a couple of months and have been on the fence about. today i saw that one of my favorite youtubers, brendan van son picked up one of these particular items and i saw thebwork he’s done with it and i knew it was time to pull the trigger. today, i bought a canon eos rp from adorama. as i prepare for my upcoming travels, three things stand clear in my mind. first, it’s super small, and packs a big punch for its size. second, it’s by no means the best camera on the market, but it’s a jack of all trades and that is what i need because that is what i am. i do portraits, events, studio and events, day light, low light, sunrise and sunset. i shoot in high light and low light, stills and, soon, video. this camera can do all of that. and in the right hands, it does it all at a professional level. and third, through the end of this month, canon is offering a promotion that includes a free extension grip and ef to rf mount adapter that will allow me to attach all of my current lenses to this body seamlessly. my tamron lenses have received firmware update for compatibility with the eos r and by extension, the eos rp.

using the adorama credit card, i bought the camera on a no-interest payment plan and will only pay $118 per month for the next twelve months. so i literally only need to do one portrait session per month for the next year to cover the cost of the purchase. and if it turns out i don’t like the camera and it’s not for me after all, then i can return it and use the in-store credit to buy something else. but for now, i have no remorse.