Chase Collum | Photography

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All Day

i’m late for saturday, but it was a sacrifice i had to make. i helped a bit in the kitchen today, and we hit the gym for an hour and a half, but outside of that and eating, i was in front of the computer planning for our big asia trip and editing photos from a fashion series i shot for suswana. now i finally realize why photographers limit the number of edits that they provide to their clients. 26 photos took me several hours to edit. i’m happy with the results, though and it was really good practice. my technique is becoming refined and i’m happy about that.

i’ve not been sharing photos quite as frequently the past couple of weeks, and part of the reason is that i really want to start posting more refined images. the crazy thing is that there is a series of edits that i still need to do to these images to make them pop on instagram, including resizing and sharpening them so that they aren’t compressed by the insta algorithm.

for now, i’m just happy that the full-res edits are done. that’s accomplishment enough for one day.